Welcome To My Songwriter Blog: Art, Film & Travel Made Me

This is my songwriter blog. I’d like to start off by first apologizing for my egregiously spotty computer screen, as seen above — I promise, I’ll do better. But warmest welcomes from my small corner of the internet.

This is where I blog. This is where all my art, travel films and music live.

These things are my core obsessions, and I decided to blend them together a while back. Since then, I’ve been building out some (hopefully) inspiring projects (with philanthropic goals).

I’ll get into all that later though.

I hope this post provides inspiration and value for you — and maybe some interest to check out and explore what I’m doing with all my art-stuff whims.

But enough small talk, let’s dive in and explain more what I mean and how I’m creating a music blog out of all my passions.

How Art, Film & Travel Make My Music (+ This Blog)

I started playing guitar around 10 years old. 11? I’m not sure actually, but I’m pretty sure no one’s counting.

Anyway, after learning a few chords and getting my sea legs, I was instantly hooked.

From the get go, I always preferred songwriting over playing already completed melodies. I mean, there’s absolutely nothing against covers (we all do them), but writing just hits different.

I’d always loved drawing and art, so music fit in perfectly.

Fast forward a couple decades and I’m living in Tokyo, falling madly in love with travel and filmmaking.

This was my first lightbulb moment.

I could use my music for travel filmmaking. It was an obvious union.

Shortly after, I further realized I could attach unique art projects to each travel film-music project. It was another serendipitous moment.

I’m traveling while making adventure films with original music and artwork for each project.

And I blog about it. ;)

It’s an exciting concept (well, at least for me at this early stage). But really, it’s a perfect solution for my meandering interests.

I never considered myself just a musician, or just an artist. Travel and filmmaking lets me be it all.

But something was still missing.

I mean doing art for art’s sake is great – some would even say it’s critical. But I wanted these ideas to mean something more – to do something more.

Turning Music, Art & Travel Film Projects Into Philanthropy

After realizing the marriage of my music, art and film ideas, I decided (or stumbled onto the idea) to make the projects available for purchase through an NFT.

It’s like technology trends were knocking at my door, saying “hey man, we came up with this super relevant thing for you, wanna use it?”.

Uh yea, duh.

But I didn’t want to just start minting NFTs all willy nilly, with no real value attached to them or the end user.

Nay, I wanted my projects to be unique, high-quality and actually valuable for the purchaser.

I needed something good. Something tangible. Cue my first (maybe obvious) part of the NFT puzzle: my original physical artwork.

Yea, that’s it. I’ll attach my physical artwork (from each travel film and music project) to the NFT.

OK, good start, but we still need more.

A one-and-done NFT purchase proposal isn’t gonna cut it for me. I genuinely want to give back and involve anyone who supports me as much as possible.

So that’s when I remembered the whole smart contract part of NFTs and blockchain technology. I can set up any monetary or income-attached rules that I want.

I mean, I had already planned out some core monetization channels for each project (once they get traction, that is): merchandising, video ad revenue, song royalties and licensing.

So what if I gave away part of those proceeds? After all, one of my core visions is to give more than I take. That’s when I decided to make a creative brand with a purpose.

Cue the final pieces to my puzzle. Each NFT owner will get:

  • The original artwork

  • +35% of all proceeds the projects and its assets earn, in perpetuity

  • And their choice of donation for another 35% of each projects’ proceeds

    • *I’m still working out the kinks on allowing NFT owners to choose charities, so things may change slightly here (the charity choosing part I mean – not the 35% part, that’s staying)

So there it is. A total of 70% of each project’s proceeds will be distributed between charities and the NFT owner.

Everything came together. Sweet, sweet serendipity.

At the end of the day, I hope to inspire, and to create travel-inspired artstuffs that support social change and awareness (and have a little a lot of fun along the way).

My Songwriter Blog — My Theme

This blog is about a few things. But the main themes are travel, art and music. Most topics focus on inspiration, motivation, social entrepreneurship and mindset (and a little education here and there).

These concepts are mixed and matched in various ways, but really this is just my personal blog. A place for my musings while on the road recording songs and scenes.

As I write this post, everything is still in the early stages. So I imagine things will continue to evolve and be pretty dynamic from here.

So please stay tuned!

And if you really want to stay in the loop, definitely sign up for my mailing list. Don’t worry, I don’t use my autoresponder to send out daily email blasts or “buy this course” messages every week.

Think of it as simply a direct line between me and you.

It’s a way for you to stay informed about where I’m at, any of my new projects I’m working on, merch drops or new blog posts and any exclusive content that’s not on my site or socials.

Again, everything is still pretty nascent over here. So things will continue to evolve and be built out over the coming months.

But that’s pretty much it!

If you’re still here, that’s awesome, thank you. Please feel free to peruse my blog some more, leave a comment and check out some of my main projects.

And who knows, maybe we’ll meet one day.

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Jef Quin

Hey. I’m Jef — a digital nomad and the sole content creator for this site.

I’m a traveler, musician/producer, blogger, content strategist and digital creator. And I’m on a mission to inspire a more chill, adventurous and creative lifestyle.

I also spend a lot of time in Japan and love coffee.

Drop me an email to say what’s up!


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