How to Manifest Like An Artist (it’s better this way)

Manifestation is nothing new — we all do it. I just think we tend to overcomplicate things or manifest in the negative (like how lots of worry can become a self-fulfilling prophecy).

Whether you’re optimistic, pessimistic, carefree or stressed, energy flows where your attention goes.

So this post shares how to manifest like an artist (which is, in my experience, more fun and easier to do).

There’s a lot of great information out there on manifestation, but doing it like a creative is a unique spin on things. And it’s definitely worth a try.

So let’s get to it!

Table of Contents Show

    What Does Manifest Like An Artist Mean?

    Manifestation is the act of attracting some future or alternate potential into your life. It’s using strong, intentional visualization to change your tangible reality and experiences.

    For me, this means changing your frequency to match the new frequency of the life you’re aiming for (like changing radio stations).

    Manifesting like an artist simply means using art to achieve this goal.

    Art is an awesome way to boost your manifestation potential. It’s a form of deep meditation and creative visualization (key ingredients for effective manifestation).

    So let’s dig deeper into why art works so well for manifesting your dream life.

    Why Should I Manifest Like An Artist?

    Using art and creativity to manifest isn’t a strategy I hear much about.

    Although, I should give a shoutout to MinPak, who talks about using this very method. Still, it’s overlooked in the manifestation game.

    So let’s change that.

    Here’s why using art may be one of the best ways to manifest:

    • It puts you in a state of creative flow

    • It’s intense, deep focus for an extended amount of time

    • It’s direct and consistent energy towards your visualization

    • It makes your vision tangible (like making a blueprint before building the house)

    • Both art and manifestation are creative acts — so they amplify each other

    • It increases clarity about what you want and how you want it to look

    • Art changes your mindset and personal frequency over time

    Recommended: How to Be More Creative

    How to Manifest Like A Creative (7 steps)

    Ready to manifest using art? Epic.

    Follow these steps.

    1. Choose An Artistic Medium

    You don’t need to be an art pro to manifest using art. It’s more about the act itself and your engagement in it.

    Even if you end up with an epic stick figure drawing (that looks like nothing to everyone else), you’re still using art to manifest.

    So your first step is to choose your art medium (and not worry about your skills).

    Here are some creative outlets you can try:

    • Painting. Create artwork depicting your core manifestation goals.

    • Drawing. Sketch daily images of different aspects of your manifested life.

    • Music. Create songs about your manifested life.

    • Fashion. Replace your wardrobe with how your future self dresses.

    • Digital illustration. Create graphic designs and computer images of your future life.

    • Writing. Create short stories about your future life (as if it were a future journal or book).

    • AI. Use prompts to create custom images of your manifested life.

    • Photography. Take pictures of things that embody your future life and print them.

    • Filmmaking + acting. Script, direct and act out a movie of the future life you’re creating.

    2. Choose A Specific Manifestation Goal

    To manifest successfully, you need to have clarity about what it is you’re manifesting.

    Makes sense.

    So before we start making art, write down your specific manifestation goal.

    It helps to understand your “why” also. What is the purpose of your goal and what do you hope to achieve?

    The more clarity and specifics, the better. Consider every detail (big or small) about your goal.

    What clothes are you wearing? What’s your future home look like? What scents and sounds are in the air?

    Imagine your future vision as if it were a vivid memory.

    And here’s bonus tip: try writing down your goal and taping it under your desk chair. Since this is a strange place, you’ll naturally think about it every time you sit down.

    Recommended: Personal Goal Setting Questions to Ask

    3. Create Your Manifestation Using Art

    After you have an ultra-clear vision and you’ve picked an art medium, it’s time to put things into motion.

    Let’s start manifesting like an artist. This means elevating the power of your manifestation goal by turning your vision into a tangible artwork.

    Here are some important reminders on how to manifest using art:

    • Don’t worry about the quality of your artwork

    • Emotionally connect with your art and the visualization of it

    • Be consistent (create art everyday)

    • Try out different mediums to find one that works best for you

    4. Follow Manifestation Best Practices

    Manifestation is a personal journey. And some strategies and tips will resonate with you more than others.

    Still, there are some best practices worth knowing.

    So while on your artistic manifestation adventures, keep these things in mind:

    • Act as if your manifestation has already come to fruition

    • Believe in and expect your manifestation

    • Use emotion to embrace things more effectively

    • Practice visualization

    • Start journaling things

    • Surround yourself with the right people

    • Make a vision board (use your artwork as a bonus)

    • Take baby steps (small manifestations add up over time)

    • Practice gratitude for your manifestation (before it happens)

    • Be open to surprises for how things manifest for you (accept the unexpected)

    5. Identify Belief Bottlenecks

    As you learn how to manifest, you’ll stumble across various obstacles along the way.

    Your beliefs are one example.

    Fixed mindset beliefs about manifesting and creating your future dream life are bottlenecks that prevent you from achieving your goals.

    If you find these rogue thought patterns keep popping up, it’s helpful to shine a light on them. This way, you can work on resolving them.

    For me, I like to lean on science and evidence to challenge my assumptions. So here are a few resources that always help me:

    Recommended: Mindset Facts That Changed the Way I Think

    6. Pay Attention to Signs (+ actually do stuff)

    Whether you believe in signs or not, serendipity and coincidences still exist.

    Part of your job when manifesting is paying attention to the subtle clues and signs related to your goals.

    When you’re constantly focusing on (and expecting) some future reality, you’re constantly putting out that energy into “the field”.

    According to manifestation rules, this energy will (sooner or later) attract things into your life that match that future goal frequency. So it’s best to stay aware and pay attention.

    Besides looking for clues, manifestation also requires action. Because taking action changes your current life and habits to better reflect your future one.

    For example, if I wanted to become a successful movie director, I can’t just use visualization.

    I would need to build new skills, network and gain experience through practice and repetition.

    So remember to actually take action (even when it feels like nothing is working or you’re just running in place).

    Consider the future habits and behaviors you would be taking if you’ve already manifested your goal, and start doing some of those now.

    7. Start Living Your Future Life Right Now

    One of the biggest secrets to manifestation is to live as if your manifestation has already happened.

    This can feel slightly delusional, but I prefer to call it confident optimism.

    Whether you’re using art, meditation or something else entirely, living your life differently is a key piece of the manifestation puzzle.

    So start — right now — living as if you are already exactly where you seek to be. Believe in and embrace your future life emotionally, logically and mentally.

    1. Start with your mind

    2. Eventually, your body will catch up with your mind

    3. Finally, your life will catch up with your body and your mind together

    Conclusion (have fun)

    Manifestation is a creative act. So doing it like an artist just makes sense.

    Learning how to manifest like an artist means using creativity to improve your focus and intention. It’s powerful stuff (and also makes things more tangible).

    But regardless of how you decide to manifest, it’s most important to stay patient and have fun.

    Manifestation (like all great things) is a journey.

    So enjoy the ride and have fun with it. Stress and anxiety won’t help.

    Want More? Okay. Here’s More.

    Jef Quin

    Hey. I’m Jef — a digital nomad and the sole content creator for this site.

    I’m a traveler, musician/producer, blogger, content strategist and digital creator. And I’m on a mission to inspire a more chill, adventurous and creative lifestyle.

    I also spend a lot of time in Japan and love coffee.

    Drop me an email to say what’s up!


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