the blog。
/a hub for travelers and creatives
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Creative Laziness Is A Disservice (my struggles + solutions)
Don’t waste your gift.

14 Dumb Barriers to Creativity (fix these, create better)
Here's how I fix my dumb barriers to creativity.

How to Be More Authentic As A Creative (11 things I do)
Being more authentic brings you closer to living your creative truth. Good stuff, indeed. So check out my top tips here!

How to Be More Creative (my top 10 tips)
Be creative. It's only human.

How to Get Out of Your Stupid Creative Rut (8 moves)
Feeling like you’re in a creative rut? We’ve been there, so here are my top moves to work past it.

The Creative Flow Guide (6 ways I harness it)
Learn my top moves for finding and staying in a creative flow state.

Creative Freedom Unlocks Your Inner Genius (8 tips)
Creative freedom is cathartic and unlocks our inner genius. So here are some of my go-to moves for reaching artistic autonomy.

Creative Focus Is An Art (so here are my top 7 tips)
These are my top moves for getting and staying creatively focused (because sometimes it sucks).

How to Measure Creativity Using KCIs (6 steps)
Looking for a way to measure creativity? Here’s a unique strategy worth trying (borrowed from traditional business).

How to Start Something New (6 epic tips)
Learn my top tips for starting something new (and why it’s a great adventure to take).

Creative Content Is Just Better (11 tips from an artist)
The title says it all — creative content is just better. Here’s why and how you can raise the bar on your own stuff.

Creative Burnout Happens (here are 11 ways I manage it)
These are my go-to moves for managing creative burnout. Usually, one or a few of these will solve my woes.

Bilingual Creativity (6 ways language boosts creativity)
Language learning and creativity are close friends. Here’s why.

Creative Advice for Creative People (10 shareworthy tips)
This is a collection of some of my favorite tips and pieces of advice for creativity and growing a creative brand.

Modern Creatorship = The Hero’s Journey (here’s how)
The hero’s journey is a staple in storytelling. And the modern creator’s path looks a lot like it.

11 Japanese Concepts of Life I Use (to boost creativity)
I’ve been living in Japan on and off for a few years. These are my favorite Japanese concepts of life and how they impact my creative life.

10 Reasons to Write In 2024 (especially with AI)
These are my top reasons to start (or continue) writing — even with…scratch that, *especially with AI.

15 Ways to Express Creativity (my favorite creative outlets)
Express yourself! It's human.

Is Technology Limiting Creativity? (hm, that’s ironic)
Technology, creativity — can’t we all just be friends?

Art Block, Be Gone (my top 10 artist block elixirs)
Learn my top moves for getting over art blocks. These are my elixirs, and they work like magic.