Is Technology Limiting Creativity? (hm, that’s ironic)

As they say, the only constant is change. This is especially true for technology, which is exponential. New technology is sparking new styles, mediums, genres and more. And it can feel like AI is taking away creative jobs.

But let’s look deeper — is technology limiting creativity?

Or is it actually enhancing our creative potential?

For me, I see the whole debate as being a bit ironic.

Now let’s do this!

Is Technology Limiting Creativity? (oh the irony)

Putting limits on creativity is one of the best ways to boost creativity.

The idea that technology is limiting creativity is an ironic idea. Because by limiting yourself with/by something, you inherently boost your creativity.

It forces outside of the box thinking and innovation. When we’re backed into a corner, we always find a way out (creatively speaking).

Most problems or limitations have more than one solution.

There’s even research and plenty of examples to back up this artistic situation.

For example:

  • Green Eggs and Ham was written with the challenge of using only 50 words

  • Miles Davis wrote a whole album (Kind of Blue) without any chords

  • The idea (and strategy) of ‘less is more

The argument for technology (AI or otherwise) limiting creativity is starting to fall apart.

Because if it does limit our purpose, role and abilities, then this should actually spark more creativity and outside-of-the-box novelty.

But are there any other reasons technology won’t limit creativity?

Totally. Let’s keep moving.

Explore more:
The Creativity Cycle, AI + Story

Technology Can’t Stop Creativity (the cycle of innovation)

Innovation, technology and creativity are friends, constantly bouncing ideas off of each other. There’s a cycle to the madness. An order to the perceived chaos.

It’s called the cycle of innovation, and it looks something like this (in my humble view):

→ 1. Some new technology is introduced, which challenges the status quo

↳ 2. Some time passes as people learn it, avoid it, debate it, yell at it and test it

↳ 3. A new normal is created if/once the new tech is ultimately adopted

With AI, we’re quickly moving into stage 3. And I’m okay with this. I’m not worried or bitter.

Here’s why.

New Technology Is New Opportunity

Everything from the trillions of cells in our bodies to the cosmos are constantly moving and changing. It’s inevitable.

Plus, without change, things get boring the bigger the change, the bigger the opportunity for new ideas, thinking and disruption. But it always feels ‘wrong’ in the beginning.

For example, electronic music broke the mold and was off-putting for lots of people (for a long time).

And AI art scared a lot of people in the beginning (and still does, I guess). But it’s also creating more opportunities for new styles and for more artists to share their visions with less limitations on traditional artistic skills or big budgets.

But this doesn’t mean painters go away either. It’s all expansion. Limitation is the illusion.

This new change can improve your workflows, boost your imagination and help you test ideas quicker.

If we never embraced new tech, we’d still be scribbling on…I don’t know, cave walls?

Creativity Hates the Normal Status Quo

Our current technological-creative shift is just another tick in the creative-technological clock.

AI is arguably making creativity and the whole ideation process more efficient and more streamlined. We can do more with less and in less time for less money.

We can automate the boring tasks and focus more of our attention on the fun stuff.

And who knows what’s next? Think of all the epic, game-changing ideas in the pipeline, that were just waiting for the right technology.

Their time is finally here.

Different tech is a different input. And a different input creates a different output (different creativity).

But ultimately, we’re still the maestros pulling all the strings. We’re still coming up with the unique ideas, pulled from personal stories, experiences and authentic ways.

We’re still making the final decisions and customizing things to suit our brand and our vision.

Technology will always be a tool in the box (not the artist pulling out the tool).

Technology can’t limit us. But it can make us more creative. It might just look or feel a little different for a little while.

Explore more:
I Fell In Love With Change

Later ✌️

IMO, technology is not limiting creativity. The very process of putting a limitation on something sparks more creativity.

So the whole idea falls apart. This should come as a relief.

Beisdes, creativity is always going through a change or some disruption. This is part of the artist’s job — to challenge the status quo, try new things and break the mold.

Technology does this to artists. So I say, learn it, test it, play with it and embrace it if it’s right for you.

Things are always changing. But isn’t that the point?

Want More? Nice. Here’s More.


Hey. My name is Quin.

I’m an artist, musician, blogger and digital creator who loves to travel. And I’m on a mission to inspire more creativity, adventure and carefreeness.

I also spend a lot of time in Japan and drink too much coffee.

Through my websites and passions, I’m building a personal multi-brand. It’s all a creative project and I’m loving every minute of it — everything is art…

So welcome, I’m stoked you’re here! Drop me an email to say what’s up :]


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