What’s the Vibe? (12 types of vibes + how we sense them)

It’s intuitive. It’s innate. We can all sense a vibe. And each one has their own set of nuances. So this post explores some of the core types of vibes I experience in my travels and in life.

My goal is to organize these senses into buckets. These buckets will represent the main energies out there.

So let’s wrap up this chit chat and get into it.

Let’s vibe.

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    What Are Vibes?

    Vibes are feelings, senses and energies that we pick up on.

    Everything around you is energy, including your own body. So when we sense a particular emotion or energy, we’re subconsciously reading a frequency that interacting with our own field of energy.

    At least, that’s my understanding. And I know, it’s starting to get woo-woo in here.

    But there’s legit science backing this up.

    Whether we’re talking about thermodynamics, quantum physics or high energy physics, there’s one prevailing theme — everything is energy.

    But why do we know these energies, and how do we feel them?

    Turns out, our bodies and minds are incredibly powerful. So let’s dive a little deeper.

    So, why do we feel vibes?

    I have no accolades or degrees in energy physics. I’m just interested in the topic.

    So here are a few points explaining why we’re able to sense vibes (via NeurologyLive):

    • Our nervous systems can pick up on chemical signals left in a physical space

      • Put another way, we can sense good or bad vibes

    • Our sweat and tears have chemosignals based on the emotional state we were in

      • And studies show we can pick up on those chemosignals

    • Human emotions can be contagious

      • We respond to subtle facial, speech or facial cues

    • Sensing vibes is an ability to mimic others in a group setting

      • This could be a helpful adaptation, so we can fit in to “the tribe”

    • Spaces can carry leftover emotions from past experiences of other people

    • Emotions and thoughts can influence reality and perceptions

      • Vibes are energy that carry information at the quantum level

      • This influences and affects everything around us (and including us)

    Explore more:
    How to Change Your Vibe

    12 Different Types of Vibes to Know

    These are the core vibes I experience in life.

    But rest assured I’ll keep things updated as I discover new insights.

    1. Creative Vibes

    As a musician, creativity is an important part of my life. It’s fun, intuitive and expressive (all the good stuff).

    And I think everyone has innate creativity.

    It’s a very human trait. Tapping into this energy is a simple matter of self belief, having fun and making something without the fear of perfectionism (or getting likes).

    The ultimate creative vibe is a flow state, which is when we’re so absorbed in a task at hand, we lose track of time. Our mind and body are in total unison.

    We’re in “the zone”.

    So here are just a few examples of creative vibes:

    • Making music or art

    • Writing or creating content

    • Entrepreneurship and innovation

    • Brainstorming and ideation

    • Cooking new inspired meals

    • Crafting or DIY projects

    • Design (interior, graphic, web, etc.)

    • Woodworking

    • Fashion

    Explore more:
    How to Be More Creative

    2. Adventure Vibes

    I spend a lot of time traveling — especially in Japan. And there’s always a strong sense of adventure I get before and during my trips.

    Adventure vibes are feelings of wanderlust and wanting to go on a journey. They’re a sense of wanting to explore something new.

    I think everybody loves a good holiday, jet setting off to some new place or being an intrepid explorer. So adventure vibes are something most of us experience.

    Here are some examples of adventure vibes:

    • Traveling

    • Vacations

    • Hiking and exploring nature

    • Camping

    • Van life

    • Kayaking, canoeing or rafting

    • Mountain biking or long-distance biking

    Explore more:
    How to Travel More In Life

    3. Anxious Vibes

    Anxiety, stress — we’ve all been there.

    While this response served its purpose in survival situations, it becomes a bit of a problem when it turns chronic (from the hullaballoo of modern life, for example).

    Sometimes it’s unavoidable. But in my view, it’s helpful to feel these emotions rather than suppress them.

    One thing that’s helped me is meditation — it’s been a total game changer for me personally.

    You can also consider some handy app tools to keep an eye on your anxious vibes. For instance, the mood tracker Lasta on your phone can help you in managing anxiety symptoms.

    Lasta helps you keep track of your emotions over time and detect patterns that might cause such feelings. By consistently monitoring your mood, you can gain useful knowledge about how specific activities or circumstances influence your mental health, empowering you to make better decisions and avoid triggers.

    Using the mood tracker can aid you in staying aware of your emotional state and taking the necessary steps to prioritize self-care and overall well-being.

    *Disclaimer: This is a sponsored banner.

    But of course, I’m no expert — just a musician with a blog who likes to travel. And I just know what’s working for me (and many others).

    Here are a few emotions and situations that create anxious vibes:

    • Stress

    • Worrying

    • Nervousness

    • Tension

    • Embarrassment or uneasiness

    • Regret

    Explore more:
    Dealing With Creative Anxiety

    4. Higher Vibes

    Higher vibes are higher states of being.

    This makes sense.

    High vibes are those elevated energy states we all know and love. They’re warmer, exciting and infectious. It’s the colloquial good vibes.

    Higher vibes tend to be positive and joyful. So here are some examples of higher vibes:

    • Optimism

    • Inspiration

    • Love

    • The effects of some plant medicines

    • Happiness

    • Excitement

    • Motivation

    • Empathy

    • Altruism

    • Pride

    • Friendship

    • Laughter

    5. Lower Vibes

    Lower vibes aren’t necessarily bad — at least, not always.

    These states of being are pretty common and unavoidable. I mean, we’re not robots.

    Learning how to embrace the low points is a super useful and healthy modern skill. For example, I like to reframe my lower vibes, setbacks or obstacles as like roots of a tree.

    These negative things may seem dark and in the dirt at first, but they can often end up making a stronger tree with more beautiful branches and leaves.

    Here are some vibes that are in the lower register of things:

    • Negativity

    • Pessimism

    • Fear

    • Hate

    • Sadness

    • Struggle

    • Guilt

    • Shame

    • Anger

    • Frustration

    • Aggression

    (Again, lower vibes can’t always be helped. But they’re important to recognize or even embrace sometimes)

    Explore more:
    How I Stay Happy-Go-Lucky

    6. Health + Wellness Vibes

    Health and wellness are important parts of life. And there’s a whole vibe to them.

    I mean, tell me you don’t sense the energy walking into a Whole Foods store or a yoga studio. There’s a strong sense of holistic health about these places and situations.

    So health and wellness vibes are types of energy that prompt feelings and moods related to personal wellbeing (whether that be physical, emotional or mental).

    Here are some examples of wellness vibes:

    • Exercising

    • Eating healthier foods (*according to your body and unique needs)

    • Meditation

    • Doing sports

    • Stretching or doing yoga or pilates

    • Being conscious of your health

    • Self care

    • Quitting smoking or cutting back on things that aren’t healthy for you

    7. Chill Vibes

    Chill vibes — The Dude would definitely abide.

    It’s a great state to be in. It’s sort of like turning on that holiday-vacation brain. Worries are thrown out the window and troubles are left behind.

    It’s healthy too. It’s the opposite of stress and embraces a Buddhist type of view. Whatever happens, you can’t help but recite the mantra, “it is what it is”.

    Here are some examples of chill vibes:

    • Relaxation

    • Bliss

    • Meditation

    • Taking a bath in an onsen

    • The perfect amount of weed (if you’re into it)

    • Waking up slow on a Sunday morning

    Explore more:
    How to Be More Chill

    8. Diligent Vibes

    Diligent vibes are important and pretty easy to recognize. It’s the context of deep focus.

    We often experience this vibe while working on an important project or task. Whether it’s work-related or personal, we all have moments of intense focus and drive.

    It’s a great vibe for getting things done.

    So here are some common examples:

    • Focused study or work

    • Discipline

    • Exercising and/or training

    • Applying a new skill

    • Problem solving

    • The motivation that comes after waiting until the last minute to do something

    Explore more:
    Keep Going When You Want to Quit

    9. Distracted Vibes

    Staying present can be hard, and getting distracted from time to time is a pretty human thing to do.

    And I think we can all pick up on the vibe when someone is distracted or not completely present with you (or in their work or life).

    It’s incredibly common in modern life. I mean, we barely stand a chance out there.

    So we shouldn’t feel too bad about getting distracted from time to time — unless it’s a recurring problem or it’s having a negative impact on your life.

    Here are some examples of distraction:

    • Spacing out

    • Social media

    • The news

    • Trying to talk with a show on in the background

    • Experiencing burnout

    • Not finishing tasks

    10. Ulterior Vibes

    You may know how this one goes: someone (you don’t talk to often) hits you up, they seem present and genuine at first, but then they go in for the hard ask.

    Boom — ulterior vibes.

    This example may be a bit extreme, and negative. So I should highlight that not all ulterior motives are bad.

    Actually, I think we all dabble in ulterior vibes from time to time — and it’s usually pretty harmless.

    So here are a few more examples (some are innocent, others maybe not so much):

    • Taking a friend out as a distraction for a surprise party

    • Becoming friends with someone for an ulterior benefit, like social status or money

    • Going above and beyond at work (not for the company’s growth, but for a promotion or better opportunities)

    • Starting a relationship to try and fix another problem in your life

    • When someone, who was eager to participate, suddenly seems disinterested in the moment

    • Visiting certain stores or shops over others in hopes of running into someone you like

    11. Spidey Vibes

    We all have spidey vibes. I guess we’re all supernatural in some sense.

    When I say “spidey” vibes, I’m talking about that sixth sense type of feeling we get that something is off (or on).

    It’s an awareness of your surroundings and the people around you. It’s not to be mistaken with a sense of paranoia. Rather, it’s your body and mind picking up on energetic information.

    Here are examples of spidey vibes:

    • Sensing someone’s looking at you

    • Feeling like something’s afoot

    • Getting a strange or weird feeling and vibe from someone or something

    • Intuition or gut feelings

    12. Romantic Vibes

    I suppose no list would be complete without this key human experience: romance, love and attraction.

    There’s definitely a felt connection between people when vibes match. Sometimes the vibe is purely physical or sexual, and other times it’s more emotional — either way, there’s a romantic component.

    We all experience these vibes in one way or another. It’s a deep connection or attachment to someone manifested through strong emotions (and various other biochemicals).

    But I’m no scientist. So don’t just take my word.

    Luckily, there is a whole science and biology to it — but again, we won’t get into all that here.

    So here are some quick examples of romantic vibes:

    • Attraction and attachment

    • Slow dancing with someone you care about

    • Spontaneous gift giving

    • Sex or one night loves

    Want More? Nice. Here’s More.


    Hey. My name is Quin.

    I’m an artist, musician, blogger and digital creator who loves to travel. And I’m on a mission to inspire more creativity, adventure and carefreeness.

    I also spend a lot of time in Japan and drink too much coffee.

    Through my websites and passions, I’m building a personal multi-brand. It’s all a creative project and I’m loving every minute of it — everything is art…

    So welcome, I’m stoked you’re here! Drop me an email to say what’s up :]


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