The Creative Travel Guide (8 tips to travel like an artist)

It’s 6 AM and you’re tired. But the romance of an early morning (and a beeping phone) wakes you up. You’re heading to the coast to capture some golden hour photos.

You’re a traveler. But more, you’re an artist.

This is creative travel. And it’s an epic way to explore.

So welcome to my guide on how to become a creative traveler and infuse more artistic intention into your trips.

Whether you’re an artist or just keen to infuse more creativity in your life, you’re in the right place.

So let’s do this!

Table of Contents Show

    What Is Creative Travel

    Creative travel is traveling with the intention, purpose or goal of working on some creative project or engaging in some creative thing(s).

    Creative travel means traveling like an artist. And it’s way more fun and expressive.

    For me, I’m a musician and travel blogger who likes to make short travel/lifestyle films. So most of the stuff I do abroad has some sort of creative purpose.

    But traveling like an artist doesn’t need to be grandiose or professional.

    Sketch scenes in a notebook, scribble words in a journal, go thrifting for fashionable finds, make an iPhone video montage or turn your photos into artwork for your home.

    These are all examples of creative travel.

    You don’t need to be good or consistent or have some higher purpose. Do a little, do a lot — it matters not.

    This is your permission slip to do whatever. Now that is true creativity.

    Why Travel Like An Artist?

    • Make travel more even more engaging and rewarding

    • Boost your creativity

    • It’s more immersive travel

    • Learn new skills

    • It’s a form of personal growth

    • Network with new people

    • Add new meaning and purpose to your travels

    • Get inspired

    • Find new ways to express yourself

    • Become more mindful and present in your travels

    • Capture your adventure in a more meaningful, story-driven way

    How to Travel Like An Artist (8 tips)

    Ready to travel like an artist? Epic.

    Try these top moves for more creative travel.

    1. Set A Creative Intention

    Often, creativity — anything really — is a matter of intention.

    So to travel like an artist, simply become aware of this desire and keep it top of mind.

    Set a creative intention.

    Here are some tips I like to use to help me set intentions and stay the course:

    • Be clear and specific

    • Make things simple over complex

    • Practice creative mindfulness

    • Become aware of limiting beliefs and practice shifting them

    • Make your intentions tangible — write them out or journal about them

    • Cultivate a creative mindset

    2. Have A Creative Project or Goal

    I always have a creative project or two when I travel.

    This is my preferred type of travel and the whole theme for my site and brand. But having a creative project (even if you’re not a creative) is an awesome way to elevate your travel experience.

    It makes travel more engaging, purposeful and creative. In my experience, I also find when I focus on some creative project, I can actually travel with less stress.

    It’s a source of personal pride and gives you a sense of accomplishment.

    We could talk about the benefits of creativity all day, but I think you get the gist. So here are some ideas for creative travel goals:

    • Make a short travel montage or film

    • Write a short travel story

    • Make travel-inspired music or curate travel-inspired playlists

    • Take photos and turn them into prints or a portfolio

    • Turn your travels into content and build a personal brand

    Explore more:
    How to Create Travel Projects

    3. Travel to Places That Inspire Creativity

    Some places are just built for creative expression and artsy inspiration.

    You know the places. The spots you just can’t help but take out your phone at, the places that cause you to stop and say “whoa.

    While this is a subjective thing, considering this element in your travel planning will make creative travel much easier.

    For example, if nature inspires you artistically, you should probably go somewhere with plenty of open space, trees and natural elements to explore.

    For me, I’m currently loving Japan for the unique art, design and general aesthetics.

    But I also get good vibes from Los Angeles for its high concentration of creative energy and artists who live here.

    It’s different for everyone, but opt for places that have a thriving art scene and open communities.

    4. Do Artsy Things

    What better way to make travel more creative than to simply do more artsy things?

    It just makes sense.

    So to travel like an artist, do more creative things while you adventure around. I don’t think we need to hammer this point anymore.

    But here are a few ideas for inspiration:

    • Go to concerts (local shows too)

    • Check out the museum scene

    • Go to art meetups

    • Vibe out to good music and create travel playlists

    • Go thrifting or shopping at artsy stores

    • Join a local art competition or gallery

    • Take an art class while traveling

    Explore more:
    My Favorite Creative Outlets

    5. Go Off the Beaten Path

    Nothing against touristy such and such, but creative expression tends to beat stronger off the beaten path.

    So that’s where we’ll go.

    The further away from the typical you get, the more authentic things become. With that authenticity comes a more memorable experience and heightened creativity.

    So here are just a few ways to go off the beaten path in your creative travels:

    • Wander aimlessly

    • Explore smaller towns outside the city center (stay safe though)

    • Eat at local restaurants

    • Choose less touristy destinations

    • Go to local shows

    • Find less-crowded nature spots

    • Ask locals for advice

    • Get a local guide or stay with a local family

    • Travel during off-peak or shoulder season

    6. Travel Slower

    Fast-paced trips with packed-full itineraries aren’t helpful for creative travel.

    Creativity needs room for intuition, spontaneity and a little aimless wandering. So one great way to do that is to simply travel slower.

    Slow travel means taking your time and enjoying your trip and the local culture with more patience and less itineraries.

    For me, it means going with the flow, embracing spontaneity and ignoring clocks or “must do” items.

    This all sets the stage for a creative adventure. Creativity can flourish when you give it time and space to do so.

    So if you’re keen to travel more creatively, start with slow travel and work from there.

    You’ll find it easier.

    7. Find Other Creative Travelers

    I’m as good as the company I keep.

    So if you’re keen to do more creative travel, it helps a lot to find travel companions who are equally invested in traveling like an artist.

    This isn’t always easy, but platforms like Meetup or Facebook Groups could be a solid starting point.

    You may also consider staying in a share house or hostel that has an artistic theme.

    For example, Neo House Tokyo is a company that focuses on artists, design and artistic lifestyle.

    Otherwise, you can simply do more creative things while traveling (like going to local shows and galleries) and try to meet people in person.

    This is a great travel goal.

    8. Lean Into Your Passions or Skills

    Are there any creative things you already enjoy or are good at?

    If so, it makes sense to lean into those for creative travel.

    For example, regardless of traveling or not, I’m a musician, writer and artist. So choosing projects that use these skills and passions are a natural fit for me.

    And if you feel like you don’t have any current creative skills or interests, now may be the perfect time to find and start building them!

    While you can’t do everything, you can definitely do anything.

    Just remember to have fun with it, detach from quality and don’t stress about right or wrong.

    It’s creativity – there are no rules.

    Later ✌️

    Creative travel is more engaging, experiential and fun. It means traveling like an artist.

    Some of my favorite ways to infuse creativity into my travels is to have creative projects, go to places that inspire me artistically, travel slower and lean into my passions and skills.

    But perhaps the most important thing is simply setting the intention to travel creatively.

    Whether you’re scripting a short movie, making music, writing a blog or just sketching your way through some unknown city, artistic travel is epic fun.

    So happy travels – now go make something!

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    Hey. My name is Quin.

    I’m an artist, musician, blogger and digital creator who loves to travel. And I’m on a mission to inspire more creativity, adventure and carefreeness.

    I also spend a lot of time in Japan and drink too much coffee.

    Through my websites and passions, I’m building a personal multi-brand. It’s all a creative project and I’m loving every minute of it — everything is art…

    So welcome, I’m stoked you’re here! Drop me an email to say what’s up :]


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