Personal Goal Setting Questions (using the golden circle model)

Reaching your goals is a process. A process that starts with clarity and direction. And this requires asking the right questions.

So this post adopts the Golden Circle model as a template for personal goal setting questions to ask.

But let’s skip the chit chat.

Let’s get to it!

Table of Contents Show

    What Is the Golden Circle Model? (meaning + benefits)

    The Golden Circle model was developed by Simon Sinek, author and guru in the leadership and development space.

    His approach is focused heavily on starting with your purpose and then asking the important questions.

    The Golden Circle model is a framework that emphasizes starting with “your why” (your purpose or belief) before moving on to “the how” (the process) and finally “the what” (the result).

    This is a powerful framework for businesses and brand-building. But it’s an equally powerful strategy for personal goal setting.

    Using This Framework for Goal Setting (the benefits)

    • It’s simple

    • It’s focused

    • It’s value-driven

    • It creates a clear plan

    • It requires self reflection and boosts self awareness

    • It creates clarity

    • It’s source of personal inspiration and motivation

    • It’s a template (and templates make things more efficient)

    Recommended: How to Define Your Japanese Ikigai

    How to Use the Why, How + What Framework for Goal Setting

    Let’s use the Golden Circle to uncover and ask the most important questions for goal setting.

    Let’s start with “why”.

    Start With Why (what are your goals + purpose?)

    Your why represents your beliefs, personal mission, motivations and goals.

    So here are some helpful questions to clarify your “why” and your goals:

    • What motivates you in your personal and/or professional life?

    • What values and beliefs drive your desire to set and achieve goals?

    • What are your intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for goal setting?

    • What areas in your life do you want to focus on and why?

    • Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 1 year? How about in 6 months?

    • What resources or support systems do you have in place for goal setting?

    • What goals have you achieved before?

    • Are you a dreamer or more of a realist?

    • How can you track your goal progress?

    • Do you have multiple goals or do you prefer focusing on just one at a time?

    • So, what are your core goals and why do you have them?

    Discover How (how will you reach your goals?)

    Your “how” will give you a plan for reaching your goals. So let’s add some strategy to things.

    Here are some helpful tips and ideas:

    • Break things down

      • Start with your main macro goal

      • Break your macro goal down into smaller, micro goals

      • Break your micro goals down into even smaller nano goals

      • Focus on the nano goals for daily tasks

    • Identify your obstacles or bottlenecks that prevent you from reaching your goal

    • Identify your strengths that will help you reach your goals

    • Add new habits or lifestyle changes that will better support reaching your goals

    • Organize your goals (for example, using workflows or to-do lists)

    • Don’t rely on motivation

    • Celebrate important milestones along the way

    • Write down your goal plan as a strategic step-by-step framework

    Identify the What (what are the results?)

    What do you hope to achieve by reaching your goal(s)?

    And what impact will reaching your goals have on your personal life?

    For businesses, their “what” is their product or service. So if you could reimagine your life as a personal business, what is your “what” to the world? To your community or culture? To your family? Or to yourself?

    For me, a core “what” is my music and creativity, which is made up of specific “whys”, goals and “hows” that I’m working on.

    For example:

    • My why —> I love to express myself artistically; I want to make memorable music

    • My how —> gamify my songwriting; create content; skill build in music production; release music

    • My what —> make an impact by inspiring people to be more creative and take more risks

    Want More? Check Out These Sweet Reads!

    Jef Quin

    Hey. I’m Jef — a digital nomad and the sole content creator for this site.

    I’m a traveler, musician/producer, blogger, content strategist and digital creator. And I’m on a mission to inspire a more chill, adventurous and creative lifestyle.

    I also spend a lot of time in Japan and love coffee.

    Drop me an email to say what’s up!


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