the blog。
/a hub for travelers and creatives
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How to Have No Expectations (by making them slow)
Slow expectations balances things better. Learn how I do things here!

Note to Self: Stop Being So Humble (the dark side modesty)
Here’s the situation: too much modesty can hold you back. So here’s a quick guide on how I’m dealing with things!

How to Be More Authentic As A Creative (11 things I do)
Being more authentic brings you closer to living your creative truth. Good stuff, indeed. So check out my top tips here!

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone (10 things I do)
Ready to experience some epic awkwardness and growth? Epic. Try these top moves for getting out of your comfort zone.

How to Do More of What Makes You Happy (7 awesome tips)
One of my core goals in life is to be able to do what I want, when I want and where I want. So these are my top moves for doing more of what makes me feel most alive.

How to Reinvent Yourself (a 7-point checklist I use)
Check out my 7-point checklist for how to reinvent yourself!

The Artist Lifestyle (how to live like a modern creative)
The artist lifestyle is more than just making stuff. So here’s what it’s like to live as a modern creative (and tips to embody this lifestyle better).

Creative Burnout Happens (here are 11 ways I manage it)
These are my go-to moves for managing creative burnout. Usually, one or a few of these will solve my woes.

How to Be Different (8 tips from a musician)
The more you stand out, the more you are you.

Bilingual Creativity (6 ways language boosts creativity)
Language learning and creativity are close friends. Here’s why.

11 Japanese Concepts of Life I Use (to boost creativity)
I’ve been living in Japan on and off for a few years. These are my favorite Japanese concepts of life and how they impact my creative life.

Affective Thinking + Forecasting 101 (the what, how + why)
Learn all about affective forecasting and how to sharpen your skills.

How to Be More Chill (27 secrets to an easy-going life)
I’m chill — like, really chill. So these are my top moves for a more carefree life.

Creative Anxiety + How I Finally Overcame Myself (10 tips)
These are my top tips for overcoming creative anxiety. I hope they can work for you like they do for me!

Goodbye, Creative Imposter Syndrome (10 tips that work for me)
These are my top moves for overcoming imposter syndrome as a musician and artist.

How to Go With the Flow (8 hacks from a traveling musician)
Learn how to go with the flow — because it’s definitely a modern skill worth honing.

Meditation for Creativity and Clarity (my 5-step process)
Check out my process for meditating to boost creativity and clarity!

12 Life Lessons Learned From Music (epic truths about life)
Check out these top life lessons I’ve learned as both a music-maker and a music lover.

What Is A Dreamer Personality? (8 traits + tips)
Be a dreamer.

40+ Music and Artist Goals (an epic 2024 creative goals list)
Check out this list for inspiration on making creative goals as a musician or artist!