The Artist Mindset (think more like an artist in 4 steps)

The artist mindset is not just for creatives. It’s a modern skill and a way of seeing the world. It’s a framework for everything, from growing a brand to overcoming personal challenges.

I’m a musician, artist and blogger with a camera who likes to travel.

And this is my guide on how to think more like an artist.

Let’s get to it.

Table of Contents Show

    What Is the Mindset of An Artist?

    Before tapping into our creative mind, we should first define what it is.

    The artist mindset is an open-minded and creative way to think about and see the world and your life. If it exists, it can be thought of artistically.

    But let’s get more specific.

    Some traits of artistic thinking include:

    • The ability to draw unique conclusions

    • The capacity to connect seemingly unrelated dots

    • The belief that you can create something new that wasn’t there before

    • The understanding that failure and setbacks are merely stepping stones

    • The ability to find your flow state and get to a place of play

    • Storytelling skills and emotional intelligence

    • The aptitude to see the potential of a situation

    • The desire to go off script and try a different path

    • The tendency to question norms or seek alternative solutions

    Recommended: 10 Characteristics of An Artist

    The Artist Mindset (some epic benefits)

    • You’re more likely to innovate and create new ideas

    • Boost your problem-solving skills

    • Find new ways to express yourself creatively

    • Improve the creativity of your content

    • Boost your EQ and empathy

    • Enhance your mindfulness and present moment awareness

    • It’s a form of personal growth and self development

    • Sharpen your learner’s mindset

    • See doors and opportunities that others may miss

    • You become more competitive in your career or industry

    • An artistic lifestyle supports happiness

    • It’s more fun

    How to Have An Artist Mindset (4 steps)

    On to the good stuff.

    The steps in this post should help you reframe your way of seeing things. But just remember, we all have an inner artistic mindset. It’s just a muscle that needs exercise.

    So stay patient (and have fun with it).

    1. Define Your Motivation

    Why do you want to think like an artist?

    I mean, what’s your motivation for cultivating this mindset?

    The first step to more artistic thinking (to anything, really) is to define your reasons — your why.

    Knowing your purpose creates clarity and sustainable inspiration. Because motivation (for everything) is a fickle thing.

    Remembering your purpose ensures you keep showing up to that artistic mindset gym.

    So consider these questions:

    • Why do you want to think more artistically?

    • How and where do you plan to use your artistic mindset?

    • Who are some creative people you look up to?

    • What are your strengths and weaknesses in thinking creatively?

    2. Identify Your Starting Point

    Real talk, how creative are you? What’s your artistic thinking baseline look like?

    Knowing where we’re starting from is just as important as knowing where we’re going. So let’s get clear on this point.

    If you’re completely void of any artistic thinking, then your focus should be on beginner exercises (such as seeing shapes in trees and studying beginner artist books).

    But if you’re already quite adept at creative thinking, then you could probably focus on more advanced moves (like inventing a new mock product or writing a short fiction story).

    So consider your starting point. And then create a custom action plan for skill-building and mindset development.

    3. Observe, Study + Mimic

    As someone once said, “To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.

    We’re constantly pulling inspiration from people around us. We’re influenced by everything and everyone.

    It’s only natural. But our voices naturally come through.

    I was watching old reels of John Mayer interviews, and he said something that stuck out. Failing at trying to be somebody else is a fantastic way to find yourself.

    So don’t worry about being a copycat — it’s harder than you think.

    Instead, observe creative people and study artists.

    Then, mimic them.

    Copy their methods, strategies and processes. Steal their notes and listen to them speak.

    Do what they do. Mix and match different styles from different artists.

    See what works for you (and what doesn’t). And find your own thinking style in the process.

    Your artistic mindset will grow and evolve with time. It’s a living thing.

    And that (this dynamic, borrowing-from-others process) is a pretty creative way to do things.

    4. Create An Artist Alter Ego

    This last step is the most creative (and fun) one.

    Create an artistic persona and embody it fully. This will be your artist alter ego.

    This is a great way to embrace a different way of thinking, living and feeling. It separates the ties we have with who we think we are or need to be.

    Often, we carry stories about ourselves that don’t always match the visions we hold.

    So breaking away from this script is essential. And the best way I’ve found to do this is by creating an alter ego. So here’s how:

    • Make a list of ideal artist characteristics you’d like to embody

    • Create an avatar to reflect those characteristics and lifestyle

    • Get into character and practice

    • (and remember, have fun with it)

    BONUS (do more artistic stuff)

    If we want to think more like an artist, perhaps the best way to do this is to actually become one.

    Luckily, you don’t need to be an expert or famous to do art.

    It’s more about self expression, being vulnerable and finding your flow state.

    There are tons of options for artistic activities (painting, making music or singing, writing…). So choose something that best reflects your current skills, interests or goals.

    Or, consider what you used to do when you were a child. Try revisiting old passions and see if there’s still a spark.

    By becoming an artist through and through — rest assured, you’ll start thinking like one too.

    Want More? Check Out These Sweet Reads!


    Hey. My name is Quin.

    I’m an artist, musician, blogger and digital creator who loves to travel. And I’m on a mission to inspire more creativity, adventure and carefreeness.

    I also spend a lot of time in Japan and drink too much coffee.

    Through my websites and passions, I’m building a personal multi-brand. It’s all a creative project and I’m loving every minute of it — everything is art…

    So welcome, I’m stoked you’re here! Drop me an email to say what’s up :]


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