Why Do We Create? (8 reasons we make stuff)

Why do we create? Are we naturally creative? And what’s the role of art and creativity in society and culture?

This post is all about these questions. As a traveling musician, I’m always interested to know where my motivation comes from and why I’m creatively inspired in the first place.

So after doing a little digging, I found some answers. This post shares those findings.

But enough chit chat. Let’s get to it.

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    What Is Creativity?

    Creativity is sort of obvious.

    But it’s also kind of hard to explain off the cuff. So here’s my take.

    Creativity is the use of imagination to think, see and make things. It’s the ability to create unique connections and new things that were not there before.

    It’s turning the intangible into the tangible. It’s telling stories and creating anything that causes people to pause and self reflect for a moment.

    Creativity is in everything.

    From the UX of a website to product design and communication, creativity is in every corner of society, the economy and human life.

    So then, are humans naturally creative? Let’s dig deeper.

    Are Humans Naturally Creative?

    In my view, my gut tells me yes. Humans are all naturally creative (to varying degrees).

    Creativity is often untapped or unrealized (or even misunderstood). And even things like raising a child can be a creative act. It’s all about perspective and intention.

    It’s subjective.

    Because creativity isn’t just artistic pursuits. It’s how you close a sale, it’s the way you dress and it’s how you cook a meal.

    Even copycatting is a first draft to creativity. Because being somebody else (or recreating something else) with 100% accuracy is way harder than just being yourself.

    You’ll naturally infuse things with your own twist, whether you try to or not.

    Creativity is part of our evolution as a species. From turning trees into buildings to complex language development, creativity is more than entertainment — it’s part of our survival.

    And it’s in all of us.

    What do you think – are humans naturally creative? Let me know in the comments!

    Recommended: How to Be More Creative In Life

    Why Do We Create? (8 reasons)

    It’s hard to imagine life without creativity. Remember, it’s a part of everything.

    But let’s get more specific.

    Here are some of my top reasons why we create and make stuff as humans.

    1. To Express Our Ideas + Emotions

    The ability to express our ideas, emotions and thoughts is a core function of creativity.

    Self expression is important and sometimes just saying how we feel is hard.

    Music is a huge way that I express my thoughts and feelings. Often these ideas are not easily conveyed without the help of a beat or a clever melody.

    And this isn’t just relevant for the creators. Yes, as musicians or authors or writers, there’s a certain luxury for being able to paint and scripting your thoughts in colorful ways.

    But your words and creations become a part of your audience’s personality just the same.

    Fans sing your songs, hang your portraits, recite your words and wear your ideas because the concepts you’re expressing resonate deeply with them.

    Not everyone has the words or ability to convey their thoughts with confidence. So leaning on artists and musicians is a powerful creative tool for us to use.

    It’s why we love quotes. They tend to sum up complex truths in quick and snappy ways. We recite and share them because they strike a chord within.

    2. To Escape

    Creativity is an escape. Some of the biggest examples are music, art and film.

    We love museums, get lost in shows and movies and we all play car karaoke alone.

    Creativity offers a way to escape stress, boredom or a reality we’re not exactly psyched about.

    There can be concerning sides to escapism (especially too much of it), but creativity’s role here is instrumental.

    And if consuming creativity isn’t escape enough, actually doing the creating is an even bigger way to “escape”.

    I mean, when I get into my flow state with music or art, hours can pass like the blink of an eye. I actually need to set alarms and reminders if I have something important to do later that day.

    3. It’s Required To Make Literally Everything

    Art and creativity is part of every process.

    From product development to city planning, artistic vision and creativity are intimately connected.

    Honestly, take a look around your room right now. Pick any product or thing you see and imagine it being made without creativity.

    It’s impossible. You can’t separate the creative parts of the things in our lives.

    From pillow shapes to table stains, the role of creativity is big.

    So why do we create? Well, it’s quite literally required to make pretty much everything.

    4. To Spread Awareness + Spark Change

    Art doesn’t always have a deeper meaning – but I love when it does.

    Artists and creatives are particularly good at pointing out absurdities in society, injustices that need attention and everything in between.

    It’s not always obvious, but it often provokes deeper conversation.

    It’s a subtle and low friction way to spark change. Creativity can communicate new ideas and spread awareness on topics and issues.

    So next time you go to a gallery, listen to music and support a local designer, consider if there’s a deeper meaning.

    5. To Add Value for People and Society

    Creativity is value.

    The variety and scope of creativity in society is immense. The art we make, the music we create, the things we do and people we change.

    Creative endeavors impact people, community and culture. It’s pure value. It’s often intangible, but critical.

    It’s mental health, it’s aesthetic, it’s inspiring.

    It’s value.

    6. For Beautification + Happiness

    Creativity makes things look, feel and sound better.

    Here’s a stark example. There have been projects for painting slums and impoverished areas as a beautification project.

    The result?

    Well, besides the neighborhoods looking aesthetically better, people became happier and there’s less crime.

    It’s a powerful example about the impact of creativity and beautification of towns.

    7. It Feels Good

    Creativity, whether you’re a maker or a creator, feels good.

    For me, it’s like meditation mixed with indulgence.

    It’s fun and creates a flow state, where you’re completely focused on the task at hand. You’re in the zone. And it feels good.

    Especially after you make something you’re proud of. Something that wasn’t there before. It feels awesome.

    So creativity is simply a feel-good thing. Whatever style of creativity you choose, it’s a form of escapism that we all love.

    8. To Connect

    Art connects us. It connects us to ourselves, our culture, our identity, our community, our world…

    It’s everywhere and in all of us. We all have personal preferences and stylistic choices. It’s expressionism and community.

    Creativity communicates ideas and connects audiences across the globe.

    We can instantly feel a part of a community with like-minded people.

    Similarly, as a creator, we can use our projects to meet and connect with people, cultures and other related concepts. I love it.

    Want More? Check Out These Sweet Reads!


    Hey. My name is Quin.

    I’m an artist, musician, blogger and digital creator who loves to travel. And I’m on a mission to inspire more creativity, adventure and carefreeness.

    I also spend a lot of time in Japan and drink too much coffee.

    Through my websites and passions, I’m building a personal multi-brand. It’s all a creative project and I’m loving every minute of it — everything is art…

    So welcome, I’m stoked you’re here! Drop me an email to say what’s up :]


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