How to Unlock Your Adventure Mindset (a traveler’s playbook)

Having an adventure mindset is an awesome thing. It’s fun. It’s a movie-like life.

So this post is all about what makes an adventurous mind, how to cultivate one and how to use it in everyday life.

Let’s get to it.

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    What Is An Adventure Mindset?

    A sense of adventure is a way of seeing and experiencing the world. It’s intentional and it’s fun. But what is it exactly? Here’s my take.

    The adventure mindset is a growth-oriented way of thinking and seeing; it accepts and seeks to experience new things outside of comfort zones and current knowledge.

    It’s the ability to see problems and obstacles as opportunities for learning and for new experiences. It’s the view that life is one big trip, and we’re all just travelers in it.

    The adventure mindset is incredibly fun and liberating. Adopting this way of thinking can be cathartic, inspiring and motivating.

    So I’m psyched that you’re here! Now let’s look at some more specific benefits for thinking in this way.

    6 Awesome Benefits of Adventure Thinking

    There are numerous benefits to adventure thinking. And the perks can be pretty personal, depending on your starting points, goals and experiences.

    But I narrowed in what I consider to be the core benefits. Of course, if I’ve left out any big ones that you can think of, let me know in the comments – I’d love to hear from you!

    Otherwise, here are some of the biggest benefits to having an adventurous mind:

    You’ll get smarter

    Being adventurous means you’re perpetually curious. And curious people are always learning new things.

    So this is an awesome benefit. You’ll likely become smarter after adopting an adventurous way of thinking and seeing the world.

    You’ll meet new people

    Adventurous thinking is always on the lookout for making new connections. This goes for ideas and people.

    When you have an adventure mindset, you’re eager to share new experiences and connect with new people. It’s the name of the game.

    You’ll succeed

    If learning new things and making new connections wasn’t enough, adopting an adventurous mindset will surely make you more likely to experience success.

    What’s more, your definition of success will likely evolve and mature (i.e., it’s not all about coins and awards). So this is something to look forward to as you strengthen and develop your adventure thinking.

    You’ll have more fun

    Exploration, travel, new experiences – these are awesomely fun things. But they require an adventurous mindset.

    So one amazing benefit you can expect from shifting your thinking is you’re probably going to start having more fun and just rolling with the punches of life.

    You’ll be more confident

    Being adventurous is an open-minded way of thinking that is grounded in curiosity and certainty. This way of life is sure to make you more confident.

    I can tell you first hand (as a prior shy dude with some serious imposter syndrome), adopting an adventure mindset will make you more confident. 

    You’ll be happier

    What’s the ultimate result of getting smarter, meeting new people, experiencing new successes and feeling more confident and having more fun?

    Well, you’re more likely to be happier. And that’s awesome. This should be an ultimate goal in life.

    Am I Adventurous? 4 Core Traits of An Adventurous Person

    Chances are, you’ve already got some adventure in you. The baseline curiosity that brought you to this post proves that.

    But there are a few more hallmarks to an adventurous mind. This list is not exhaustive, but highlights some of the more notable traits I’ve noticed with adventurous thinking.

    And one quick caveat of good news.

    Neuroplasticity proves that our brains can always make new connections and learn, adapt and change. So don’t worry if you feel like you’re falling short on this list.

    But let’s check these traits out – how many do you have?

    1. You have an open mind

    Openness has a lot of benefits. But keeping yourself open to new ways of thinking, new ideas and new experiences is essential for an adventurous mind.

    If you’re the type of person that appreciates and respects – doesn’t judge – differences and seeks to connect more and learn more, then you’re well on your way to some pretty great adventures.

    2. You’re a glass-half-full kind of person

    Seeing the bright side of things is essential for seeing opportunity and having an adventurous mindset.

    So if you’re the type of person who sees silver linings rather than clouds of gray, then you're likely already primed for some quality adventure thinking.

    3. You like new challenges and experiences

    Adventure is all about new experiences and overcoming challenges – with some dirt on your face and a smirk.

    So if you thrive in new situations and love a good puzzle, then your thinking is already wired for an adventurous framework.

    4. You’re creative

    Creativity is an amazing skill to harness. Whether you’re an artist or an accountant, having a creative mindset is an asset that goes well beyond adventure.

    But we’ll keep things dialed in here. If you’re the creative type and love to think of new ideas and make original things, then let me tell you – you’re well-suited for an adventure mindset.

    Now let’s look at how to find and develop this type of thinking.

    How to Find + Develop Your Adventure Mindset: 4 Steps

    Now to the practical side of things. Let’s learn how to find and develop our adventurous mind.

    I’ve put the process into a simple four-step strategy. This strategy comes from research and experience in various fields and verticals.

    For example, starting with your values and goals is a common recommendation for starting a business.

    So let’s start there and develop an adventurous mind. 

    1. Understand Yourself: Goals + Self Awareness

    Knowing yourself is a reasonable first step for doing virtually anything. It ties in with self awareness and knowing your goals.

    Here are some questions to ponder and ways to get this one figured out:

    • What are my strengths and weaknesses?

    • What are my values and goals?

    • Why do I believe certain things or react in certain ways?

    • What can I do to better myself?

    2. Understand the Unknown: Read, Learn + Get Inspired

    Once we’ve established our goals and done some adequate self reflecting, we can start researching and getting inspired for adventure thinking.

    This is the exploratory phase. Reading this blog is really part of this second step.

    Buy books, read articles and watch inspiring YouTube videos. Consume anything that’s motivating for you and that supports the development of an adventure mindset.

    3. Create the Unknown: Become Creative + Try New Things

    This next phase is about applying the knowledge and becoming more creative. Maybe I’m biased, but I'm a firm believer that creativity and adventure are intimately connected.

    I’m also a believer that all of us are inherently creative.

    So tap into your innate creativeness. Apply the information and topics you learned from step two.

    And finally, start planning your next adventure.

    4. Experience the Unknown: Travel + Experience New Places, Ideas + Thinking

    It’s been plenty said, but travel changes you. Though, one thing that’s left out here is why. There are numerous reasons, of course. But a big one is mindset.

    So when you’re ready to put your new adventurous mindset to the test, travel is the ultimate exam. And I mean real travel. Not that resort-style, comfort travel.

    I mean living like a local. Trying things that scare you. Meeting new people and dancing until sunrise.

    Because travel shapes and changes you. Travel rewires your mindset.

    You become more adventurous, more open, more patient and more confident. You become more accepting, curious and humble.

    You become more adventurous.

    How to Use Your New Adventure Mindset In Life (Because Everyday Is An Adventure)

    What good is all this information if we can’t use it? Well, having a healthy, adventure-driven mindset is great for mental health and clarity.

    But let’s explore how an adventure mindset can boost some of the core parts of our lives.

    In Your Career

    An adventurous approach to your career means obstacles and setbacks are opportunities and journeys to explore.

    A successful career – whatever your industry or position – will be full of ups and downs. How we handle these stresses can truly dictate the direction that our work life takes.

    So embrace that adventure mindset.

    In Your Education

    Education is all about sustained curiosity (at least, in my view). Luckily, an adventurous mindset is one that seeks new things and is forever curious.

    So whether you’re a university student, a hobby-learner or still in high school, leverage this new way of thinking and reframe difficult tasks, big projects and new ideas.

    Learning is an adventure.

    (sh*t, that sounded really lame right there, didn’t it…whatever, I’m sticking with it…)

    In Your Relationships

    I can’t imagine a relationship that doesn’t have at least some adventure and intrigue to it. Whether we’re talking about friendships or dating, using your adventure mindset can create new sparks and foster more fun experiences.

    Further, it can help in forming new relationships, with a goal of finding more like-minded people. After all, if Jim Rohn was right, we tend to become similar to the closest people in our lives.

    May as well make them fellow adventurers.

    In Your Personal Life

    An adventure mindset is an amazing asset in our personal lives. Namely, it’s amazing for strengthening (or finding) our hobbies and passions.

    We can use this framework to seek discomfort, improve our skills, experience new things, meet new people and become whoever you’d like to be.

    Who knows, this new adventurous mindset may turn that side passion or hobby of yours into a new life or successful career. 

    After all, that’s how this site started…

    Want More? Okay. Here’s More.

    Jef Quin

    Hey. I’m Jef — a digital nomad and the sole content creator for this site.

    I’m a traveler, musician/producer, blogger, content strategist and digital creator. And I’m on a mission to inspire a more chill, adventurous and creative lifestyle.

    I also spend a lot of time in Japan and love coffee.

    Drop me an email to say what’s up!


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