the blog。
/a hub for travelers and creatives
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Creative Advice for Creative People (10 shareworthy tips)
This is a collection of some of my favorite tips and pieces of advice for creativity and growing a creative brand.

Is Confidence An Emotion? (no…but I say yes)
So, is confidence an emotion? No…but yes…well, sort of. Here’s my take on things (and tips for how to boost your own self confidence).

Personal Goal Setting Questions (using the golden circle model)
Ask the right questions, get the right answers.

Modern Creatorship = The Hero’s Journey (here’s how)
The hero’s journey is a staple in storytelling. And the modern creator’s path looks a lot like it.

Goal vs. Plan (exploring 2 sides of the same coin)
Learn the difference between goals and plans (and how to use them).

My Minimalist Travel Strategy (pack like a writer writes)
I travel light. And you can too!

My Life Organization System (how I do it all + time to spare)
This is how I organize my life and all my projects (that seem to keep piling up).

I Finally Improved My Follow Through Skills (here’s how)
Here’s how I improve my follow through skills (and actually reach milestones and personal goals).

Squarespace for Artists + Musicians (why I never looked back)
Squarespace is perfect for artists. Here’s why.

Why Is It Important to Set Realistic Goals? (hint, it’s not)
I love pipe dreams. So this post explores why it’s important to set realistic checkpoints (not realistic goals).

11 Japanese Concepts of Life I Use (to boost creativity)
I’ve been living in Japan on and off for a few years. These are my favorite Japanese concepts of life and how they impact my creative life.

How to Start A Travel Blog (+ actually grow it) in 11 Steps
This is how to start a travel blog.

I Made An Odyssey Plan (follow along + use my template)
I made an Odyssey Plan (woo!). Learn how to build one yourself using my process and template here.

How to Embrace Fear (for more carefree living)
Here’s how I embrace fear and change in my life (because on the other side of this is growth).

Have Too Many Hobbies? (you may be a multipotentialite)
I have too many hobbies. But this is my greatest strength. Learn how I manage them and what it means to be a multipotentialite.

10 Reasons to Write In 2024 (especially with AI)
These are my top reasons to start (or continue) writing — even with…scratch that, *especially with AI.

How to Manage Multiple Goals (create ‘Focus Loops’)
I created a productivity system for managing my multi-passionate life.

15 Ways to Express Creativity (my favorite creative outlets)
Express yourself! It's human.

My Reverse Thinking Guide (what, why + how)
This is my guide on reverse thinking. Learn how to approach problems a completely new way.

How to Organize Goals (4 steps to make any goal a reality)
Check out my foolproof system for organizing goals (so you absolutely crush them).