I Live in the Moment, Because Nostalgia Happens Fast
Nostalgia happens fast.
Life is speedy and moments quickly become memories (and quicker yet the older you get). When I look back at pictures — sometimes not more than two years old — I find myself swimming in nostalgia, yearning for that time.
So quick!
And I realize in that moment, I wasn’t not that present in those pictures. I was looking back at the past while also looking forward — yearning for something more, something distant.
And so, I sort of missed the moment — whoops!
So now, armed with this awareness, I’m striving to live in the moment. Because again, nostalgia happens pretty freaking fast and I don’t want to miss the things I’ll eventually be looking back on.
So this is how to live the moment, more often and more fully.
Now let’s do this!
How to Live in the Moment (8 moves)
1. Set the Intention — Now Stay Aware
The simple fact that you’re reading this post means you’ve already set an intention to live in the moment. Nice.
Now the trick is to continue setting that intention and staying aware of it. This takes practice. We’re cultivating a new thinking pattern and habit here.
So here are a few tips I like to use to stay intentional with stuff:
Set a clear intention each day when you wake up
Set a timer to go off every hour as a reminder
Pause and check in with yourself periodically
Practice mindfulness — breathing, body scanning, slow eating, sensory awareness, etc.
Notice your surroundings as an observer — the sights, the sounds, things happening around you, etc.
2. Let Go
“Let go or be dragged.”
Detachment is an art. Letting go is a skill.
Letting go and detaching means loosening your expectations and embracing a present-moment perspective. It’s the ability to stay open to new ideas, changes and a good pivot — especially when plans don’t quite pan out how you hoped they would.
Letting go means loosening your grip on how you think things should unfold. This creates space for less judgement and more present-moment living. It’s a mindset shift.
For example, consider a traveler who meticulously plans every detail of their freaking trip, mapping out each activity with strict timelines and expectations. It’s a false sense of security in adventure, and often leads to disappointment.
But by shifting to a more flexible approach — embracing a more spontaneous travel style — this person can discover deeper travel experiences, like an unexpected festival or a unique owl café that influencers don’t know about yet.
And so, let go. Don’t be dragged by expectations or the urge to try and control things. This is an essential skill that segues perfectly to living in the moment.
3. Get Lost in Flow
Creative flow is when you’re so involved in a task at hand, you lose track of time and space. It’s a sweet spot for creativity and the best example of living in the moment.
So here are some quick tips to get lost in flow more often:
Harness spontaneity
Listen to your intuition
Get rid of any distractions
Solve flow bottlenecks like time, resources or skills
Prioritize tasks and things you actually enjoy doing
Schedule time to get lost in flow using the flowmodoro technique
4. Act On Your Dreams
“Nobody is more anxious than the ambitious person who creates nothing.”
The longer and more I put off pursuing my dreams, the more anxious I became. Anxiety robs you of living in the moment.
So this is your sign to start acting on your dreams. It’ll never be the perfect time and there will always be a “compelling reason” to wait or doubt yourself.
Get after the thing you truly want. We live in a time where it’s more possible than ever. Success is truly democratized.
AI, social media, the internet and endless tools at affordable prices make any idea possible for any person with a phone (extra points if you have a computer).
So go get it!
Explore more:
➤ Live Your Future Dream Life
5. Get Good at Gratitude
Gratitude is the secret to happiness, living in the moment and manifesting your future.
For me, it means not looking back (wishing what was) and not looking forward (wishing what could be).
It’s staying grounded in total happiness with what is. That’s present-moment living right there.
I’m far from perfect and wanting to continually improve on your life is epic stuff, but here are some ways I like to stay balanced and practice gratitude:
Try volunteering
Start a gratitude journal
Celebrate your small wins
Try a gratitude meditation
Practice little moments of gratitude everyday
6. Meditate
Meditation keeps me chill and present. And as broken-record as it sounds, it works wonders for staying present and calming the mind.
So it’s only natural that I include it in this list. But there are benefits way beyond present-moment awareness.
According to Healthline, meditation lowers stress, boosts your self awareness, improve attention span, generates kindness and more. All of this can be helpful for living in the moment.
And you don’t need to spend hours a day in the forest humming to get the perks. So here are some tips to start meditating:
Start small and slowly build up your time
Focus on observing your thoughts (not stopping them)
Try breathwork
Pay attention to feelings and senses in your body
Try guided meditations
Make it a habit (for example, every morning when you wake up)
Set a meditation intention (for example, to become more present)
Explore more:
➤ How I Meditate for Clarity + Creativity
7. Do More of What You Want
Doing more of what you want in life is a simple way to start living in the moment. After all, when you’re focusing on doing what you love, then you’re less distracted by the past or the future.
This is part of my formula — my philosophy — for making life more punk.
Here are some tips:
Stack the cards in your favor
Get clarity on what you want
Schedule in you time each day
Don’t attach your work to external metrics
Have a specific purpose for your passions
Solve bottlenecks preventing you from doing what you want
Explore more:
➤ Do More of What Makes You Happy
8. Do Less
It’s hard to fully live in the moment if you’re trying to do too much (especially if those things don’t bring you real joy).
So the simple solution here is simple — work towards doing less.
Prioritize the stuff you truly enjoy (or absolutely need). Start slow by eliminating extra things and slowly reoptimize your life for the perfect schedule.
It’s not overnight or easy, but the less fluff I have in life, the more present I feel.
Explore more:
➤ How to Be More Minimalist
Later ✌️
I live in the moment because nostalgia — life — happens fast. Moments turns into memories quicker than I care to admit.
But by staying grounded in the present, I can fully appreciate everyday and make those memories even deeper.
Simply staying intentional, letting go, getting lost in flow and doing more of what makes you feel alive are epic ways to start living in the moment.
Just stay patient and work in small doses. Practice in small moments and eventually, those can turn into bigger moments.
And those bigger moments can become habits and eventually a whole lifestyle.
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